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Logo-Körperbilder   Fashion and Models   an den anfang zurueckblaettern weiterblaettern ans ende eine ebene nach oben



We are four girls from a school for social studies (Karin, Barbara, Erika, Sara) Brixen (South-Tyrol) working on the poject "Körperbilder".
Our topics are fashion and models.
We want to give you a brief insight into our project work.


Fashion has existed since the earliest historical time. In the 17. century the word "fashion" was taken from the French. At the beginning of modern history interest in fashion increased. Suitable clothing can underline one´s personality.
Today fashion refers to something modern, up to date, to something new and fast-changing. Between 1890 and 1960 fashion was very different and played a very important role in society.


Every epoch and every culture has always had ist own beauty ideals.
From the 17th to the 19th century people liked the chubby woman. In the 20th century Marilyn Monroe was the idol at this time. She was replaced by Twiggy, a very thin woman.
Today beauty isn´t considered a nature given present anymore but a product we can buy.

The truth about models

Girls think, that being a model must be a dream-job: much money, beautiful clothes,... but the truth is different: being a model can be a very hard life.
If someone wants to be a model she must show discipline and of course a perfect body with a nice natural-looking face.
Height: around 1,72 m
Age: 15-20 years
Size: 36-38

© Pädagogisches Institut der deutschen Sprachgruppe - Bozen - 2001