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Logo-Körperbilder   Puberty   an den anfang zurueckblaettern weiterblaettern ans ende eine ebene nach oben

We are a group of four girls and we study at the "ASD" - a school for social studies - in Brixen (South Tyrol/Italy). Our names are Katja (19), Sandra (16), Marion (17) and Marion (17).

Our school was working on a project called "Körperbilder" and we focused on the topic "puberty". The project lasted three weeks and various subjects like English, psychology, Italian, physical education and religios education dedicated some of their lessons to the project. We also spent some of our freetime to find reading materials in the library. We found the information quite interesting because we learned many new things about the developement of the body during the adolescence. Some girls already experience their first menstruation when they are only ten. It is one of the first signs of womanhood. During the mentruation which lasts between 3 and 7 days, a part of the mucuous membranes of the uterus gets pushed off. the girls start to grow physically, their breasts and vagina become bigger. Their body hair gows, especially in the armpit and the labium. The pubic hair of the boys starts to grow as well. The boy's penis, scrotum and testicle enlarge, their muscles grow and their voice is breaking. Their vocal cords become longer and the larynx changes. A beard grows in their face and they start ejaculation which can happen rather unexpected or by masturbation. However, there's not only a physical change but also a psychological one.

The rather quick body growth usually has mental consequences. Self-esteem and self-confidence are affected. Boys tend to become more aggressive, adventurous and show a need of movement.. Their sensory perception is intensified. Girls often experience a change of mood not knowing whether they prefer to be among people or on their own and this often causes a conflict with their parents and friends. They also tend to be depressive or to have day dreams. Though the central problem for the young teenagers is to find their own indentity.

© Pädagogisches Institut der deutschen Sprachgruppe - Bozen - 2001