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Logo-Körperbilder   Tatuaggi, piercing e gioielli   an den anfang zurueckblaettern weiterblaettern ans ende eine ebene nach oben






We are the group "INCREDIBLE". For our project we have done an extensive research on tattoos, piercings an jewellery. Now we want to give you a brief information about it.
Have you ever heard of piercings and tattoos in ancient cultures?
Well we have!
One of the first people to practise piercings in their ears and in their mouths were the Mayos. Indios had tattoos all over their body. But then tattoos and piercings had a different meaning than they have today.

Be aware that there are many health risks, for example AIDS, tetanus and
Therefore you should choose the studio you go to very attentively.

P.S.: Be careful!
If you decide to have a piercing or a tattoo done, you have to feel very sure about what you do because it isn`t easy to remove either of them.

© Pädagogisches Institut der deutschen Sprachgruppe - Bozen - 2001