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summer academy 2013 - HOWZIT (1/38)


Rager Caroline

Samstag, 6. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2012

Dear Students,

Welcome to the summer academy 2013!

We are excited about the opportunity to get to know you, and we are looking forward to a happy and productive course.

There are interesting workshops and creative craft activities waiting for you and we hope you will enjoy them.

See you on Monday!

Yvonne & Caroline


1 Kommentar

1 Comment from Zingerle Rebecca

15.07.2013 18:53

Dear Caroline :-), dear Yvonne :-),

unfortunately, I discovered your comment at the beginning of the summer academy until today. It was really great with you. Teachers like you should always be.
Thank you.for the marvelous week.


Rebecca :-)

Comment from Zingerle Rebecca

Dear Caroline :-), dear Yvonne :-),

unfortunately, I discovered your comment at the beginning of the summer academy until today. It was really great with you. Teachers like you should always be.
Thank you.for the marvelous week.


Rebecca :-)

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