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Thursday (6/50)


Messner Hannah

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014


Dear parents,

The rugby Match from Yesterday was wirley cool and funny! My team was the winner!!!:D But on the end I was very tired.


Today we had a Skype sesion with Heidi and other girls from South Afrika. We also made colourful bracelets, drew a picture of South Africa and made clay animals.

Hear its very nice and I love the meal. What a pity that the workshop is finish tomorrow!!!:(

But I´m happy to I see you, Mum and Dad, tomorrow!

Love, Hannah XD


2 Kommentare

1 Comment from Joachim+Silvia

17.07.2014 21:24

Dear Hannah,

I can't immagine, that you play a rugby match. I'm really surprised about your activities in Rechtenthal. If you are able to have a skype session with a girl from South Afrika, so you've learned English very well this week. So next week when Sofia comes from Edinburgh, you can comunicate everytime in English.

We are very also very happy to see you tomorrow, again.

Mum and Dad

2 Comment from Hanna Kaneider

18.07.2014 10:50

Heyyy Hannah!!:)

Das Rugby-Match war Hammer nicht wahr?!?!?:DEcht cool hier mit dir!!!:) Schade, dass es heute schon vorbei ist....;(
Aber wir sehen uns!!!:))

Comment from Joachim+Silvia

Dear Hannah,

I can't immagine, that you play a rugby match. I'm really surprised about your activities in Rechtenthal. If you are able to have a skype session with a girl from South Afrika, so you've learned English very well this week. So next week when Sofia comes from Edinburgh, you can comunicate everytime in English.

We are very also very happy to see you tomorrow, again.

Mum and Dad

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