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Thursday (9/50)


Kaneider Hanna

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014



The rugby training yesterday was fantastic! My team was the winner;)!P7160382

Today we made bracelets! They look nice! Then we made clay animals. We also drew a big picture showing scenes from  South Africa and  now we are preparing our presentation for tomorrow. We are very busy.

We had a skype session with people from South Africa... It was great!

What a pity that tomorrow is the last day here....!

But I´m happy to see you!



1 Kommentar

1 Comment from Domesle Yvonne

18.07.2014 01:18

Thank you for all your hard work, it was great having you in our group. Love your houses on the painting...................

Comment from Domesle Yvonne

Thank you for all your hard work, it was great having you in our group. Love your houses on the painting...................

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