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Heroes & US (first day) (6/22)


Plant Annika

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2015


Summer Academy 2015

I'm ambitiousAnnika :)

It is the second day in the Summeracademy. Today we did a dance. It was very nice. We will present this on Friday when our parents are here. We are studying what a hero is, it was very intersting to hear what other people think about a hero. I have a lot of fun here, we often play games in the breaks  with other peoples and make friends. When we have the Workshop we study many things with a lot of fun but we are also serious.

  I'm very happy to be here. I'm looking forward to the next few days here.

From Annika


3 Kommentare

1 Kommentar von Monica

14.07.2015 23:01

Ciao Annika sono davvero contenta tu sia tanto entusiasta di questo corso.Stringi tante nuove amicizie e cerca di fare tesoro di tutto quello che imparerai nei giorni della tua permanenza alla Summeracademy. Scrivi ancora . Un saluto ed un abbraccio.

2 Kommentar von David

15.07.2015 14:31

E Annika, sono tuo fratello.
Sono contento per te che questo corso ti piaccia.
Scatta un paio di foto, e quamdo torni, raccontami tutto.
I und de vom Training griasn di olle.

3 Kommentar von Ursula

15.07.2015 16:16

Hi Annika,
I'm happy that you like the summer-academy! So you've got a lot of new friends there?
To which song you will dance on friday? I'm sure that is a funny one and when you return at home I would like to see the dance!
I hope that you enjoy the next two days and learn a lot of this language on the academy.

Greetings from Siusi,

Kommentar von Ursula

Hi Annika,
I'm happy that you like the summer-academy! So you've got a lot of new friends there?
To which song you will dance on friday? I'm sure that is a funny one and when you return at home I would like to see the dance!
I hope that you enjoy the next two days and learn a lot of this language on the academy.

Greetings from Siusi,

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