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2nd and 3rd day (19/318)


Rieder Jana

Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2015


Summer Academy 2015

Yesterday we acted out some scenes about aggression and wrote the dialogue down. After the break we learned something about India and Mohandās Karamchand Gāndhī. Some of us wore Indian clothes. Thank you for this funny and interesting day.

This morning our teacher Yvonne told us about her childhood in South Africa at the time where the coloured people and the white were seperated, and also somthing about Nelson Mandela. His real name was Rolihlahla, but the white teacher gave him the name Nelson.

I'll tell you more later. I must go to the Workshop.


1 Kommentar

1 Comment from mami und papi

15.07.2015 15:28

Des isch jo volle interessant wos es do mocht. Hosch a a poor foto?

Comment from mami und papi

Des isch jo volle interessant wos es do mocht. Hosch a a poor foto?

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