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The second day (11/318)


Meyer Clarissa Nelly

Martedì, 12 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016


today we got up at 7.30 o´clock. Then at eight o´clock we had breakfast. It was very good. Then the Workshop began. We did  warmup exercises, that was fun. Then we learned a song (Thank you for being a friend). For this song we also made  a choreography. Then we read books about building bridges. The stories are very nice.

Bye Clarissa


4 Kommentare

1 Comment from Verena Rampold

12/07/2016 17.25

Hey my cat,
today you had to stay inside but as we can see you also indoor had a lot of fun. That's nice! How is your english now? I think it's already much better and more fluently. And also your colleges seam to be very nice and funny.
Here at home everything is ok and we really look forward to seeing you and watching your representation on friday.
Love and kisses from mommycat and daddy and finally also from Poppi and Punkti
PS: Now you can correct mommys English

2 Comment from Michael Meyer

12/07/2016 19.45

Hi Clarissa,

this is only a test e-mail in order to see whether you can receive my messages. Great to read that you are fine and have a lot of fun with your teachers and your new friends.

All the best and a big bear hug from your Pappi

3 Comment from Verena Rampold

14/07/2016 10.10

Mein Schatz,
ich hoffe, es dir gut und du kannst die Tage in Sarns genießen! Ich fahre jetzt nach Völs, bin dann ohne Computer und habe am Handy auch keine Megabites mehr. Werde mich also nicht mehr schriftlich melden, freue mich aber schon riesig auf morgen, auf dich!!! Ein ganz dickes Bussi von deiner Mami

4 Comment from Michael Meyer

14/07/2016 19.47

Hi Clarissa,

hope that everything is fine with you ! At the moment I'm travelling to Bergamo where I will stay in a hotel until tomorrow. The wheather here is no longer so hot, tonight we will go to a nice restaurant.

Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow evening in Völs (also the Barchettis are coming !),

A big hug & kiss from your Teddy

Comment from Verena Rampold

Hey my cat,
today you had to stay inside but as we can see you also indoor had a lot of fun. That's nice! How is your english now? I think it's already much better and more fluently. And also your colleges seam to be very nice and funny.
Here at home everything is ok and we really look forward to seeing you and watching your representation on friday.
Love and kisses from mommycat and daddy and finally also from Poppi and Punkti
PS: Now you can correct mommys English

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