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Day 1 (20/27)


T. Paul

Dienstag, 3. Juli 2018



Dear mum and dad,

we made a cat, Pete the cat.

We went outside.

We went on a dragon hunt.

I am happy. We ate burgers, rise and bread for lunch.

The teachers are nice, very nice and friendly.

I find a good Friend. Miss you!


From, Paul



3 Kommentare

1 Kommentar von Hannes T.

03.07.2018 18:29

Hi Paul!

it's nice to hear you feel so good.
The cat and the dragon looks very nice.
I miss you also, wish you a wonderful week and hope to read a lot more about you and your friends.

A very big hug from dad and Anja!

2 Kommentar von Marusita

03.07.2018 18:34

I'm so happy to hear about you and see your very nice photos!
It seems that you're having a great time!
I love your cat and dragon!
Have fun!
Love you! Mami and Anja

3 Kommentar von Hannes T.

04.07.2018 08:06

Guten Morgen Paul!

Wir wünschen dir einen tollen 3. Tag und genauso viel Freude und Spaß wie bisher.

Ganz viele Bussis von Mami, Anja und Tati

Kommentar von Hannes T.

Hi Paul!

it's nice to hear you feel so good.
The cat and the dragon looks very nice.
I miss you also, wish you a wonderful week and hope to read a lot more about you and your friends.

A very big hug from dad and Anja!

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