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Dear mum and dad , (14/27)


P. Magdalena

Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2018



I miss you so much!

We made a gingerbread man and I am in the room with Frizi and Kyra.

This evening we are havening a BBQ .

One for our group went home because she was homesick

We listened to a story of Charlie  Change,

See you the day after tomorrow






3 Kommentare

1 Kommentar von Guest

04.07.2018 18:06

Hey my Leni!
Oh a BBQ sounds good! I would like to join you (rather than taking my exam tomorrow)...
I am already in Innsbruck but I send you many kisses from here :)
The whole family misses its little one! Mom and Dad can't wait to have you back :)
Love you :)

2 Kommentar von Maxi

04.07.2018 19:45

dear little baby hope you're doing well we all love you :) the next days i'll come and visit you :) have fun your big brother ❤️

3 Kommentar von Mum and dad

04.07.2018 19:54

Dear Leni,
wish you a nice evening and a good night. See you on friday morning
Kisses, love you ...😍😘
mum and dad

Kommentar von Guest

Hey my Leni!
Oh a BBQ sounds good! I would like to join you (rather than taking my exam tomorrow)...
I am already in Innsbruck but I send you many kisses from here :)
The whole family misses its little one! Mom and Dad can't wait to have you back :)
Love you :)

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