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Hello from Salern! (36/43)


B. Sophia

Dienstag, 2. Juli 2019


Dear Parents,

we are having fun and my new friends are very nice.

I like this workshop.

We are a girls' group.

The workshop is interesting.

We have learnt new words:

mole, moth,...

We learnt new songs, danced,

wrote a sketch, acted out scenes...

Lots of love

IMG_4991 (Small)


1 Kommentar

1 Kommentar von verena.thurner@schule.suedt

03.07.2019 13:36

Hello Darling,thats very beautiful,that You are a singer and dancer.So You leran a lot of new words.
We are proud of You.
Have fun with you new friends.
Have a lovely time and we look forward to your workshop.
Happy days and a lot of kiss,your parents.

Kommentar von verena.thurner@schule.suedt

Hello Darling,thats very beautiful,that You are a singer and dancer.So You leran a lot of new words.
We are proud of You.
Have fun with you new friends.
Have a lovely time and we look forward to your workshop.
Happy days and a lot of kiss,your parents.

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