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Dear Parents (31/43)


D. Amelie

Dienstag, 2. Juli 2019

Zuletzt geändert:
Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2019


Song Parade

I'm happy.

I like this workshop.

I have fun.

My new friends are nice.

I miss you.

Lots of love.

Amelie D.
IMG_4997 (Small)


4 Kommentare

1 Kommentar von Oberhauser Helga

03.07.2019 15:42

Hey Amelie! We are so proud of you! We wish you a lot of fun and many beautiful moments. We also miss you and look forward to Friday.
Feel hugged!! Bussis

2 Kommentar von Papi

03.07.2019 16:34

Hei Schotzi :)
Schian dass du Spass hosch, geniess die Zeit und bis bald!
HDL :)

3 Kommentar von Ilian Demichiel

03.07.2019 18:31

Moin Diggsn

4 Kommentar von Helene

03.07.2019 21:24

Dear Amelie,
It is good to see you so happy on the photo :)
We will meet you on Sunday!
Take care,

Kommentar von Oberhauser Helga

Hey Amelie! We are so proud of you! We wish you a lot of fun and many beautiful moments. We also miss you and look forward to Friday.
Feel hugged!! Bussis

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