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Song Parade (39/43)


P. Mia

Dienstag, 2. Juli 2019


Hello Mum,hello Dad,

I'm fine.

The workshop is very nice.

We have learnt new words,

songs end dances.

I have made new friends.

Lots of love Mia!


IMG_4999 (Small)


2 Kommentare

1 Kommentar von Thomas

04.07.2019 20:14

Hi Mia,

great to see that you are doing well!

See you tomorrow

2 Kommentar von Sabine Fischer

04.07.2019 20:15

We love you, too! Miss you a lot and I am soooo mcuh looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! Hugs and kisses! Mum

Kommentar von Sabine Fischer

We love you, too! Miss you a lot and I am soooo mcuh looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! Hugs and kisses! Mum

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