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Questions (42/47)

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Steinmann Nadia

Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2010



On the last day before Christmas holidays we had the possibility to meet Joana. She told us about her life in Seattle and we learnt about the American school system. We watched also a short speech given by President Obama. The speech was addressed to the young generation. He told the students about their responsibility.

Afterwards we had time to discuss and ask the following questions:

1)      Why did you decide to move to South-Tyrol?

2)      What’s the difference between the young people in America and the young people here?

3)      What do you think about the prohibition of alcohol until 21?

4)      What do you think when you see 16-year-old people drinking alcohol?

5)      Which school system is the better one?

6)      How did the American people react when you decided to move?

7)      Is the American way of life the same as in the movies?

8)      How do you manage conversation with South-Tyrol people?

9)      What can you say about the recent economic problems in America?

10)  What is the climate in Seattle like?

11)  Where Americans do usually spend their holidays?

12)  Do you have any children? If yes, where do they go to school? If not, what would you do with them in this situation?

13)  How do Americans spend their free time?

14)  Where did you go to university?

15)  Is the captain of the football team always the dream guy?

16)  How is chemistry taught in Seattle?

17)  What do you think about our project?


6 Kommentare

1 Comment from Steinmann Nadia

07.01.2010 11:20

:) our good work :) by petra

2 Comment from Oberhollenzer Petra

07.01.2010 11:23

yea!! ;) bye steini

3 Comment from Philipp Plattner

07.01.2010 11:27

yeah!! by phille :)

4 Comment from Cuccarollo Ernest

07.01.2010 11:46


5 Comment from Philipp Plattner

07.01.2010 11:50


6 Comment from Cuccarollo Ernest

03.02.2010 16:47 spöglo

Comment from Cuccarollo Ernest


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