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The climate of the Neusiedlersee region (21/47)

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Merler Sarah

Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2010


lake Neusiedl

Our report is about the climate of the Neusiedlersee. You know, it is quite interesting how the weather changes.

The Burgenland and the whole Seewinkel area don’t belong to Austria from a climate point of view. This region is in the shadow of the Alps and has Pannonian climate charateristics.

 It is amazing how many heat and dryness- loving animal and plant species can live there, because of the combination effect of light, rainfall, high temperatures, low humidity and continues wind.

One of the windiest regions of the European interior is the eastern shore of the Neusiedler See. The heat and the wind results a rapid evaporation in summer and autumn. The average temperature is 10°C.

Now some interesting facts about the seasons:

 If you decide to visit this area in the spring, you should be prepared, because this is the windiest period of the year. It’s the most variable season and already in May temperature reaches 30° C. Because of the rainfall the water-level rises. It’s time for the nature to give life and there is a lot of natural phenomenon. Every day is a new day at Neusiedlersee and you can discover something new.
But if you are into hot and dry days, you should go there in the summer, when temperatures reach 30°C. It’s ideal for summer loving people. The sun can even dry-out waters, so that solid salt becomes visible.

Other facts about the summer:

  • Hot and dry months
  • 61 summer days
  • Temperatures over 30°C
  • Heat-waves
  • Plants have a summer rest period


The autumn is perfect for nature watching. In this phase the vegetation begins a second growth. Many different kinds of plants and animals reawake after the dry summer months. This is because also in autumn temperatures reach about 20°C. The landscape is flowered like a colourful carpet.

Winter brings humid weather. Normally there is little snow and fog. The air temperature does not fall below the frost, but sometimes (at night) the temperature can sink under -15°C.

The lake freezes over for not more than 100 days, if at all.

The day time temperatures reach 17 °C, which is quiet abnormal, isn’t it?



It is influenced weakly of Atlantic and Mediterranean currents and annual rainfall is reduced to less than 600 mm. There are two or three periods of relatively heavy precipitation.

It is one of the windiest regions of Europe. Continues wind is useful for wind surfing and sailing. These winds can reach 6-10 on the Beaufort scale.

The wind can produce a tilting of the water surface.




2 Kommentare

1 Comment from Alexander Klement

06.05.2010 11:28

Good work! ^^ :D

2 Comment from Merler Sarah

06.05.2010 11:32

Thank you Alex:)

Comment from Merler Sarah

Thank you Alex:)

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