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Class Picture II (20/47)

an den anfang zurueck weiter ans ende eine ebene nach oben

Alexander Klement

Alexander Klement

Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2010


lake Neusiedl



6 Kommentare

1 Comment from Oberhollenzer Petra

06.05.2010 11:57

It was a perfect trip!!! :D Liked it.. hiihi

2 Comment from Bakhtawar Yousaf

06.05.2010 11:57

wow....we alll together!!!!!!!! :) :)
love ya......:)

3 Comment from Bakhtawar Yousaf

06.05.2010 11:57

wow....we alll together!!!!!!!! :) :)
love ya......:)

4 Comment from Reyer Beatrix

06.05.2010 11:58

Althogether we (the class 3B) have to say it was a really amazing trip. We were very lucky because of the beautiful weather so as to enjoy. We learned a lot about flora and fauna at lake Neusiedl (thanks to Regina, Manuela and Philipp). It was a perfect trip =)))))

5 Comment from March Lukas

28.02.2011 15:06

4B, I'm so sorry but the 4A is much cooler than your class

6 Comment from Fischnaller Martina

28.02.2011 15:17

Nice green shoes ;D

Comment from Oberhollenzer Petra

It was a perfect trip!!! :D Liked it.. hiihi

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