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Talk, talk, talk. (50/60)


Bock Fabio

Montag, 11. Juli 2011


Summer Academy 2011

Hello Mum, hello Dad!

How  are you? Today I play a lot of games with the teachers and the pupils.  We search a little book and decorate a poster of the themes of the books. I have searched a book of gorillas. I have speaked a lot with Greta and Nathalie. I have a lot of fun with my two old friends of the primary school. I hope, that Lavinia and Elena are fine.

Love, Fabio

PS: I very like the workshop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


4 Kommentare

1 Comment from Elena, Lavinia

11.07.2011 20:48

Hello Fabio,

thank you for your mail. We miss you very much, but we and mum and dad are glad to know that you enjoy the staying in the camp. Here it is as hot as problably in the undercountry (> so könnte Unterland auf Englisch heißen

2 Comment from Elena, Lavinia

11.07.2011 20:59

Sorry, but our first comment was shortened for unknown reasons. We have to wait for the hedgehogs now. Lavinia is sleeping, yeah!!!

Lots of love,
Mum, Dad, Elena, Lavinia

3 Comment from Auer Alexander

12.07.2011 19:48

Hallo Fabo

4 Kommentar von TantEle:)

14.07.2011 13:35

Hi Fabio, my sweety!!
Manuela told me you are having a good time in Tramin! I hope you are enjoying! Did you meet new friends there? I am curious to hear about all the activities you are doing! How is your English going? Zeno told me that last week there were some people from RAI there to do interviews. Have you seen them? By the way, many greetings from Zeno and also from uncle Alexander, Nadia, Sara and aunt Petra...and of course also from Oma Elisabeth!! Here the weather is very bad, cloudy and it rains a lot. I send you some sunshine in case it rains in Tramin too! Have fun and take good care! Talk to you soon. Bacione, BUSSI Ele

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