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second day (46/60)


Bock Fabio

Dienstag, 12. Juli 2011


Summer Academy 2011

Dear mum, dear dad,

please don´t write personal things here, because all the people can read it. Today we present our finished posters to the ater kids.

I miss you all very much.

love, Fabio  


2 Kommentare

1 Comment from Mum, Elena und daddy

12.07.2011 21:32

hello Fabio,
we know that you enjoy the stay in the camp. We also know that you can work well there and improve your English.
Friday we will see what you have done and we are really looking forward to this experience.
Elena sends you the following expression: Sein Knie wurde weiß und schwoll an, wie Mehl. Now Elena is reading "the little waterman" by Ottfried Preußler.
Lots of kisses
La gang del "giradino"

2 Comment from DAD

13.07.2011 08:36

Hi Fabio!
I hope you slept well. It was a very warm night at Merano - more than 20°C. I already see that your English is improoving - you should be really glad about this opportunity. Maybe we go on with some English in the car when we go on vacation.
I hope you meet some nice friends in the camp!
Good bye - we will write to you in the afternoon:

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