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brief für elena (14/60)


Bock Fabio

Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011


Summer Academy 2011

dear Elena,

you are tghe best sister of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't forget: 27th July you have German test!!!!

Bye, Professor bruderherz



2 Kommentare

1 Comment from Elena,Lavi,mum and dad

14.07.2011 18:40

Dear Fabio,
we are keen on your presentation tomorrow. We will take some fotos of you and your friends.
Good look and bye bye,
Mum, Dad, Elena, Lavinia

2 Comment from Elena,Lavi,mum and dad

14.07.2011 18:40

Dear Fabio,
we are keen on your presentation tomorrow. We will take some fotos of you and your friends.
Good look and bye bye,
Mum, Dad, Elena, Lavinia

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