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our trip to london (36/38)


Tapfer Jana

Montag, 9. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012

hello mom, dad and felix

today we got to know each other we landed in london. Please write back.

love Jana


2 Kommentare

1 Comment from Margit

09.07.2012 20:38

Hello Jana,

we hope you will enjoy your trip to london. Have a nice time there and write us your news every day :-)

Bye bye

Your family

2 Comment from Margit

10.07.2012 06:42

Hoi Jana,

hosch guat gschlofn? Mir wünschen dir an schianen Tog in London und viel Spaß mit deine neuen Freunde. Bin schon gsponnt, wos es heint olles in London ounschaugs :-)

Bussi von ins olle.

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