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The second day in the Summer Accademy (26/47)


Padoan Mattia

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Dear parents,

the second day at the Summer Accademy was beautiful. We skyped with Yvonne's niece, Heidi and other people from South Africa. It was very interesting and I learned many new things about South Africa. They told us about the life in South Africa, about the schools there, about the farm, where they work and about their family. They answered  our questions and I enjoyd that.

This day war really exiting and fun.


1 Kommentar

1 Comment from Marina

10.07.2013 15:42

Hallo Mattia!
Schön, dass wir Nachrichten von dir in Echtzeit bekommen.
Wir lesen jeden Tag, was du und deine Freunde schreibt (Erica, Alessia, Oma von Malosco, Papi von Bozen...)
Ich hoffe, dass es alles supergut weitergeht!

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