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Fun and News;-) (36/51)


Ploner Amelie

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014


P7150340Hey  Hi everyone!^.^

Today we have learned things about Nelson Mandela. I  think that he is a real hero!

Then we have learned the National Anthem! It is a little bit difficult... But at the and of the week I can sing it all the Anthem!XD

At night Hannah and I couldn't sleep! It was so hot!!!

This afternoon we did batik, now I have a beautiful, pink T-shirt! :D

In the break we have played "badminton" a little bit "Scaccia 4"! It was really cool!

Later we have seen pictures from our teacher Yvonne in South Africa! ;) I think that South Africa is a wonderful country!

The food is super!

Love and write back soon,



1 Kommentar

1 Comment from Mami

15.07.2014 19:09

Dear Amelie,

it really sounds like you are having lots of fun! I can't wait to see your new pink T-Shirt. I'm sure it is really awesome! ;-)
This evening Papi, Marie and I are going to a concert from StringArt at the Ragenhaus in Bruneck. Erich, Ulli and a lot of other musicians are playing there and we are looking very much forward to it.
Say hi to Hannah from us. Maybe you two should try to keep the window a bit open during the night with the shutters down. But only once the lights are out, otherwise the mosquitos will eat you... ;-)
Have a great evening and a cooler night!

Mami and the other two

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