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Prunner Eva

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014


Dear Mom and Dad,

this day was fantastic! We learnt a lot of new facts about South Africa. Now we know how to sing the National Anthem!!! Is very(VERY) complicated to sing because in this song are five languages: English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa and Sesotho. Yvonne, our teacher, is from South Africa and she showed us fotos about the time when she was a child. She knows a lot of Nelson Mandela and the apartheid. Today we made Batik-Shirts!!! They're so cool!!! My one is yellow with dots.

Our two teachers Caroline and Yvonne are very nice and the other children too!


Love  Eva P7150331


1 Kommentar

1 Comment from prunner klaus

15.07.2014 19:32

Hoi Eva,
schian dass es dir passt und dass der Unfongsstress verflogen isch. Viel Spass nou und bis später. lg Mamma und Tata

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