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Second day (32/51)


Schuster Philip

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014


Dear family,

How are you?                            I´m fine.

Today I have learned many things about Nelson Mandela and we sang the national Anthem of South Africa.

And we  made our own T-shirts.

I have coloured my T-shirt green.

It´s great and beautiful.

Please answer soon.



2 Kommentare

1 Comment from Dusini Petra & Josef with Eva

15.07.2014 21:26

Dear Philip,
we are happy thath you enjoy the time in Rechenthal Castle. From the picture you sent, it seems thath you've found a new friend. Isn't it?
Your sister is always asking about you. She ist hardly wait for the weekend to see you again... we calm her down by giving the access to your bedroom and to your computer. We hope this is OK for you :-) :-)
Anyway, we are glad about your nice experience and the interesting things you learned about a real extraordinary man like Nelson Mandela. You have to relate us...
Lovely greetings from all of us.

2 Comment from Schuster Philip

16.07.2014 11:47

Look at the other letters from me.
(The "that" in the first line is written false)

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