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Day 3 (23/51)


Resch Florian

Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2014


Dear Mom Dad and brother,

today we watched scenes from a film about Nelson Mandela called Invictus. We also sang the song Shosholosa. In the afternoon we will play rugby ! I am a bit afraid, but also very happy.



1 Kommentar

1 Comment from Monika Rubner

16.07.2014 16:33

Hello Flori,
I`m shure you learn a lot and you sing!!!Do you know that your cousin Tobias plays rugby, but I don`t know where(Bozen or Brixen). Michi was climbing with the camp. I`m looking forward to see you again, enjoy yourself and have a good time!
Love you Mum, Dad and Michi

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