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Mandela and Rugby!;-D (21/51)


Ploner Amelie

Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2014


Hey ladies and gentlemen:-),

How are you? I'm really fine!

We have seen a film about Nelson Mandela (Invictus) and have talked about it... But only the important scenes in English. At the evening we watch all of the film in German!

We have learned another song! It's calling: Shosholosa! It's a beautiful song!*.*

And in the break we have played "Werwolf"... It is realy nice here!

Today in the afternoon the Brixen rugby Team (black eagles) willcome and play with us! That is so cool!

Please write back soon and say my best regardes to Marius, Marie and Dad!





3 Kommentare

1 Comment from Mami

16.07.2014 19:09

Dear Amelie,

how was the rugby? I'm sure it was a very interesting experience for you! It is always great to read what you are up to at the castle.
As you know, Marius is still in Brixen at the "Flohstreicherwoche" and so far I have not talked to him... Poor Marie had to go to the dentist yesterday and today and her new "gummilan" are hurting quite a bit. Papi has a rehearsal tonight with the Gitarrenquäler. They are starting their evening concerts in two weeks, so the have a lot of work to do.
The concert yesterday evening was wonderful and we met quite a few of your old violin teachers. Alexander and Martina say hi and Ulli is looking forward to your lesson on Saturday.
Tomorrow I'm not working at the office, but I have a few other things to take care of. Friday is my last day in the office for 4 week! YEAH!
Marie and Papi say hi.
Have a great time. We are looking forward to reading your news!
Love you!

2 Comment from Dad ;-)

17.07.2014 11:23

Hi my sweetheart!

I hear you are doing fine and enjoying yourself quite a lot! I`am looking forward to see you soon.

Take care,

Kisses Dad

3 Comment from Dad ;-)

17.07.2014 11:23

Hi my sweetheart!

I hear you are doing fine and enjoying yourself quite a lot! I`am looking forward to see you soon.

Take care,

Kisses Dad

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