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Summer Academy 2016 (1-10/15)


the 4rd day


Steinwandter Irene

Giovedì, 14 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016


Hello there!DSC_6508

Today is the last day and we are very excited because tomorrow is the presentation of all the workshops.



The 3rd and 4rd Day


Steinwandter Irene

Giovedì, 14 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016



The 2nd day


Näckler Ines

Martedì, 12 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016

DSC_6627Hello! :)

It's the second day of the Summer Academy and it's very cool. We are doing a lot of acting and we are learning lot's of new words. Today we studied a performance for a dance. Then we read a book called 'The Island' and made a scene. In the evening we played some games. I'm very happy to be here.


Day 2


Delago Ida

Martedì, 12 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016

Hello everybody!!!

Today we learned a choreography for a song. We also  read a book and now we are acting it out............  we are having a lot of fun and its really great here.

Ida :PDSC_6636


The second day


Hosp Leonie

Martedì, 12 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016

DSC_6520Hello! *-*

Today we danced and sang. We are having fun here !! We are learning everyday new words :)





The 2nd day


Steinwandter Irene

Martedì, 12 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016

The other girls are very nice and we are having fun! :)



second day


Karnutsch Sophie

Martedì, 12 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016

DSC_6608Today we read a story and then we sang a song. We acted out the story. In the morning it  rained, so we were in our workshoproom. We danced. 


Goodbye Sophie`_`


The 2nd day


Steinwandter Irene

Martedì, 12 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016

DSC_6617The other girls are very nice and we are having fun.




Gabanella Sofia

Martedì, 12 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016

How are you? Today we learned a choreography with the song "Thank you for being a Friend". It was fun. Yesterday we played different games to remember our names. I learned many new words. Unfortnately it rained. But it's very good here.

Goodbye sofia ;-)


The 2nd day


Steinwandter Irene

Martedì, 12 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016

Today we danced and sang and we are excited about the rest of the day.

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