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Once upon a time (161-170/318)


My favourite of today's pictures...


Schwienbacher Evi Debora

Dienstag, 10. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012

 ... a bit out of focus, but great! =)DSCF4321


It's been a good start into an awesome week!


Schwienbacher Evi Debora

Dienstag, 10. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012

Dear boys and girls,

It was a pleasure to welcome you to London yesterday. We had been looking forward to spending some time in London with you. It is one of our favourite cities.

We hope you are having a good time and enjoying your trip to London!

Evi & Yvonne


Dear Mum and Dad, dear brother and sister!!


Obermair Laura

Montag, 9. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012

Today we landed in London Heathrow!

How are you? I'm very jolly!! Now I'm with the other 12 children of my group in a  luxury hotel called "Rechtental". In the (big) hotel it's wonderful, and the people here are very nice and jocund!!! In the course we learnt lots of things!





dear mum and dad


Garber Tobias

Montag, 9. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012

how are you? We are landing in london.


Hello everybody


Alber Annalena

Montag, 9. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012

It's nice here. We are having fun. We are playing games about London. After arriving in London Heathrow, we are going with the underground to another place and there it is raining, but we haven't got an umbrella. So we look for a hotel and we find one but it is very expensive: GBP 80 for one night and the breakfast not inclusive. The next day we look for another hotel an we find a bed & breakfast for 5 nights for only GBP 125. Great!!! But it's raining all the tima and so we go to a shop and buy an umbrella.

It's dinner time now

See you tomorrow =-)

Annalena Alber & Elisa Schölzhorn


LARA- a trip to London


Schorr Lara Valeria

Montag, 9. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012

We landed in London Heathrow. Then we drove with the underground to a very expensive hotel: one night 80 pounds !!! We didn`t want  to  look for an other hotel because is was raining cats and dogs and we didn`t have an umbrella. Tomorrow we are looking for a cheap hotel.

Bye, Bye LARA 


My start at Rechtenthal


Niederstätter Stephanie

Montag, 9. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012

Daer mum and dad,sisters and brother,

today I met the other children.  There are 12 students in my group. We played some games and read a book.




dear mum and dad


Garber Tobias

Montag, 9. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012


How are you? We are landing in London.Its a rainy day. by tobi




Gassebner Carina Helen Francesca

Montag, 9. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012

Hello mom,dad and annika, we got to know the children today.  We reading a book about a tour to London.

It's dinner time bye bye  



Dear Mum, Dad and Tamara


Schönweger Jasmin

Montag, 9. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012

Today we landed in London. Then I  met in the underground a lot of people, their names are: Greta, shes very friendly and is in the room with me, Annalena, Katharina, Lara, Laura, Stephanie, Carina, and many more... Now we are all a group and learn english togethere. Our English teacher are Yvonne and Evi, they are realy nice!

How are you?

by by Jasmin

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