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Once upon a time (171-180/318)


our trip to london


Tapfer Jana

Montag, 9. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012

hello mom, dad and felix

today we got to know each other we landed in london. Please write back.

love Jana


Hello from London!


Maier Fridolin

Montag, 9. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012

Today we arrived suddenly in London!

Then we took the taxi from the airport london Heathrow to a bed and breakfast house and wrote letters to our parents. It was raining all the day, so we are going to an umbrella shop. Now I' m going to visit the Tower of London!



the first day


Garber Greta Luise

Montag, 9. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012

my dear  family,

I'm very fine here, I'm in a fine group, we played games (the same games as last year ) :-) "today we  landed in London Heathrow" and we are  reading a book together and we have to guess and make decisions.



Thank you, boys and girls!


Schwienbacher Evi Debora

Dienstag, 19. Juli 2011

Zuletzt geändert:
Mittwoch, 27. Juli 2011


Summer Academy 2011

Thank you very much for your blog entries and comments, boys and girls!

Yvonne and I can only repeat what we've already told you:

"It was a great pleasure working with you!"

Sharing our love for the English language with a lovely group like yours was so special!

Please, do keep up the good work, go on improving your English and always bear in mind:

"You're AMAZING just the way you are!" :-)

Enjoy your summer holidays!


Evi & Yvonne


Danke für alles


Ungerer Aaron

Sonntag, 17. Juli 2011


Summer Academy 2011

Ich danke euch, Yvonne und Evi, für alles . Es war  eine sehr schöne Woche mit euch.

euer Aaron


Liebe Yvonne und Evi


Künig Julia

Samstag, 16. Juli 2011


Summer Academy 2011

Vielen lieben dank für die tolle Zeit mit euch. Sie war einfach unglaublich.

Vielen vielen dank, wir waren eine nette Gruppe.



For Evi & Yvonne


Auer Alexander

Freitag, 15. Juli 2011


Summer Academy 2011

Have a nice time



Thanks to Evi and Yvonne


Auer Alexander

Freitag, 15. Juli 2011


Summer Academy 2011

Thanks for these wonderful days with you. I hope you enjoyed the days with us too. Perhaps we`re going to see us one time. Unfortunaly the course was to short. It was very nice to work with you.

Best wishes to you



To Evi & Yvonne


Schweigl Veronika

Freitag, 15. Juli 2011


Summer Academy 2011

Dear Evi, dear Yvonne!

thank you sooooooooooo much for this unforgetable and very very nice days.

I now that this week was a lot of work for you, but with your very good work we haved the chance to lerned a lot of new things in english.

this week was so AMAZING!!!!! thank you and I hope to see you soon.

 best wishes,



bis morgen


Hofer Nathalie

Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011


Summer Academy 2011

bis morgen

LG Nathi

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