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Once upon a time (121-130/318)


A nice first day :D


Gallia Greta

Montag, 8. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Hello mum & dad,

How are you?

It is great here in "Schloss Rechenthal".  Today we learned  a lot of new words. I got to know many new friends. I share my room with Irene, she is from Luttach (Ahrntal). Caroline and Yvonne are two nice teachers and we play many games. Now I have to work. See you soon.

 Greta. ;)




Scherer Magdalena

Montag, 8. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Hello family,

Here at Rechental it is super! We made a lot of games! And we have a lot of fun! Our topic is "South Africa". Caroline and Yvonne are very nice! All the kids are very nice and together  we have a lot of fun! I share the room with Magda and Rebecca! Is everything okey at home?:)

Your DeliaP7080005



A fine day in the Summer Accademy


Padoan Mattia

Montag, 8. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

P7080006Dear Dear parents,

today was a really fine day. I met many new friends. The teachers here are very friendly and with them I have a lot of fun. I learned new words and I did a little presentatiton. I also wrote questions about South Africa on the computer and I labeled a map.

This Summer Accademy is really fun and I enjoy it very much.




in the summer accademi


Griesser Moritz

Montag, 8. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Dear parents,

Todayis a fine day! I met many new friends and many new words in English. The teachers are very nice. I wrote about South Africa. It's really nice here!!!




South Africa


Picone Alessia

Montag, 8. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Dear Mami,

today I learnt many new words. My teachers are Caroline and Yvonne. Yvonne was born in South Africa. They are nice. I´m in the room with Andrea.




Hello! This was my group!


Höller Isabel

Montag, 8. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013



Hello! :-)


Zingerle Rebecca

Montag, 8. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Dear Mum, dear Dad!

I like the workshop of "South Africa" :-).  Rechtenthal is fantastic. The food is good and I like all the people.

Please write  back soon!!!


Rebecca :-)





Höller Isabel

Montag, 8. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Dear Mum!

In the group we made some worksheets from south africa and I learned many new words!

I´m very happy to stay here, it´s very funny and exiting!

I like my group.

What´s going on at home?






The first day ;)


Strauß Irene

Montag, 8. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013


Dear mum, dad and Laura!

It is great here!! I'm very happy here because the workshop is cool, the teachers are cool and because I'm in the room with Greta. She is very nice. ;)

Today we made a presentation of all things that we know about South Africa. Then we made a quiz about the big cities like Pretoria and Johannesburg.

What's going on at home??

Hugs and kisses

Irene ;)


hello everybody!


Scherer Magdalena

Montag, 8. Juli 2013

Zuletzt geändert:
Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Dear Family,dear Friends,

Rechenthal is marvelous. We`ve just learned a lot of things and it is a lot of fun! My room neighbours are very nice!Now Delia is also in our room! I'm very happy here and I hope you too. The food is great;-) Tomorrow evening there will come two astrologers to explain  to us something about Stars, Moon etc..

Your Magdalena



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