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Once upon a time (61-70/318)


day 3


Kaneider Hanna

Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2014



How are you?? I´m fine!

Today we watched scenes from a film about Nelson Mandela and the rugby world cup in South Africa in the year 1995. It´s called "Invictus". We also sang the song "Shozholosa". It is  the second anthem from South Africa.

After lunch we have a training with the rugby team from Brixen. That´s great!!:)



3rd day


Schuster Philip

Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2014


Dear parents,

Are you fine?       :)

Today we sang a new song and we watched some scenes from a film about Nelson Mandela. The title is "Invictus".

Then we talked about the film.

After lunch we will play rugby with the "Black Eagles", the Brixen Rugbyteam.

 In the evening we will  watch the whole film.




Prunner Eva

Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2014


Dear parents

firstly: Spaß you must write with "ß"! ;)

Today we watched senes from the film "Invictus". The film is about the rugby-worldcup in South Africa in the year 1995. The film is great!!! Later we sang the song Shosholosa, the second National Anthem of South Africa.

This afternoon we have a training session with the rugbyteam from Brixen!!! That is cool!

I'm finished now

Love  Eva



Castle Rechtental Tramin


Schneider Sophie

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014


Dear Mum, dear Dad, Brother and Sister!

I am fine and I like it here in the castle.

Today we have learned a lot of things about Nelson Mandela and his life and Yvonne told us about her life in South Africa when she was a child.

The lunch was very good, I had chicken and cips.

Please write my

Love Sophie





The 2nd day


Klotz Julia

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014



Family and other people,

The first night is over. It was verry nice to sleep in a castle.

Today we have maked a lot of things:

We have learned the national anthem of South Africa, about Nelson Mandela´s life and Yvonne told us about the time when she was a child and lived in South Africa.

Now I also know more about the everyday life of a South African girl, and how I can create my own colourfulT-shirt (Photo).

Please write back SOOOOON !

<3 Love Julia


Day 2


Egger Eva

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014


Dear parents,

the second day was very intresting! We learned a lot about Nelson Mandela. We heared the national anthem. the other languages are a little bit stange and difficult! The dinner, the breakfast and the lunch was very good!

In the afternoon we made batik- T-Shirts! They are very beautiful!

I am very happy because: This day was super!!! Please write back soon!

Love, Eva



Day 2


Maier Felix

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014


Dear family

Today we  learnt all about  Nelson Mandela and we  coloured the T- Shirts with an African Batik technique  It was fun. Its a very intresting Tour through South Africa.

love and kisses




:) News from Tramin :v


Messner Hannah

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014


Dear Mum and Dad,

how are you? I´m fine. I´ve a lot of fun.

Today we did batik, now I have a beautiful pink T-shirt! ...and pink fingers!!! :D

Now I  know many things about Nelson Mandela. Yvonne told us a story of him. I can also sing the National Anthemof South Africa!

In the break we have always fun!

Our bedroom is very nice but  it´s very hot!!! We can´t sleep in the night.

The food is super and I´m happy to stay here!

Love, Hannah:-)P1010876



Second day


Schuster Philip

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014


Dear family,

How are you?                            I´m fine.

Today I have learned many things about Nelson Mandela and we sang the national Anthem of South Africa.

And we  made our own T-shirts.

I have coloured my T-shirt green.

It´s great and beautiful.

Please answer soon.



Day 2


Resch Florian

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014


Dear Mom, Dad and Michi

How are you? I am fine!

Today we learned lots of things about Nelson Mandela and the Rainbow Nation. We also made our own T-shirts with batik. It was  fun :). Here it`s very cool and the food is super!

Flori XD

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