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Once upon a time (71-80/318)


My second day at the summer academy


Kurti Aurora

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014


P1010875Dear parents

Today I learned a lot of things about Nelson Mandela and about my teacher. She was  born in South Africa and she can speak Africaans;I think it's fantastic. I have learned the national anthem and I think the song is really beautiful. 

At 5.00 P.M. I coloured my white T-shirt, now it is red. I had bread with Nutella  for breakfast and I drank a cup of hot chocolate. The food here is very nice and I'm very happy,but I miss you very much.

Love Aurora.




Prunner Eva

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014


Dear Mom and Dad,

this day was fantastic! We learnt a lot of new facts about South Africa. Now we know how to sing the National Anthem!!! Is very(VERY) complicated to sing because in this song are five languages: English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa and Sesotho. Yvonne, our teacher, is from South Africa and she showed us fotos about the time when she was a child. She knows a lot of Nelson Mandela and the apartheid. Today we made Batik-Shirts!!! They're so cool!!! My one is yellow with dots.

Our two teachers Caroline and Yvonne are very nice and the other children too!


Love  Eva P7150331


Fun and News;-)


Ploner Amelie

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014


P7150340Hey  Hi everyone!^.^

Today we have learned things about Nelson Mandela. I  think that he is a real hero!

Then we have learned the National Anthem! It is a little bit difficult... But at the and of the week I can sing it all the Anthem!XD

At night Hannah and I couldn't sleep! It was so hot!!!

This afternoon we did batik, now I have a beautiful, pink T-shirt! :D

In the break we have played "badminton" a little bit "Scaccia 4"! It was really cool!

Later we have seen pictures from our teacher Yvonne in South Africa! ;) I think that South Africa is a wonderful country!

The food is super!

Love and write back soon,



day 2


Kaneider Hanna

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014




Today is the second day here...It´s great!

We learned the national anthem of South Africa and a  lot about Nelson Mandela. Yvonne, my teacher, was born in South Africa... She told us her story.

I did batik this afternoon, a yellow T-shirt. It looks fantastic (see picture)!

I hope you are fine! Please write back soooooone;)!






The second day


Fulterer Lisa

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2014


Dear Mum and Dad,

I am happy today because we coloured our own T-shirts. With beans we made some circles. They are looking good!

We learnt about Nelson Mandela today. He didn`t want that white and black people are seperated. After 27 years in the prison also the white people believed in him and so the Africans are united.

We also learnt the National Anthem. Our voices do not sound so good, but I am sure that it sounds better on Friday. There are 5 different languages and so my spelling is not so good because I do not know 4 of the languages.

But I have lots of fun here! Please write back soon!

Goodbye, Lisa


The 1st Day


Klotz Julia

Montag, 14. Juli 2014


Dear Family,

This afteroon we played some games to get to know each other. In my group there are 12 people, 3 boys and 9 girls. One game that we played  was that we all had to find an adjective with the first letter of our names, like joyful Julia or sunny Sophie. I´ve got a nice room and I share it with Sophie. She is very nice and funny and I hope that we have a lot of fun together. 

Now i´ts 6:00 pm and I am going to have dinner. Bye, bye.

Please write back SOON !!

Love Julia



Schlos Rechtental


Schneider Sophie

Montag, 14. Juli 2014


Dear parents, brother and sister

I am fine. Here it is very great. I like my group. My room is very nice. In my room there is joyful Julia.  

 I learn a lot of  English here. The garden is very big and cool.

It is six pm, now I am going to have dinner.


Please write back soon!!!!!!!

Love Sophie



First day:-D


Ploner Amelie

Montag, 14. Juli 2014


Dear parents and other people,

How are you? I'm very happy here!:-) I have learned many things about South Africa! We are 12 children and they are very nice!:-D

Please write back soon!

Love, AmelieXD


The first day


Egger Eva

Montag, 14. Juli 2014


Dear parents,

Today we made a lot of things and we learned a lot too. We played games and made a placemat. Our teachers are very nice and friendly. My roommate is Aurora. I like all the people here. The castle is very nice. I am very happy and how are you?

Now we are going to have dinner. Please write back soon!

Love,                                                                                           Eva


My first day in the summer academy


Kurti Aurora

Montag, 14. Juli 2014


Dear Mom and Dad

I am in the summer academy and it's fun. I've got a new friend , Eva. Today I have learnt a lot of things about South Africa. My room is very beautiful,I like all here. I'm very excited about these four days in this academy with Eva.  I wish you a nice week.

Love Aurora. <3 <3 :) :)


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