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Bock Fabio

Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2011


Summer Academy 2011

DSCF2733DSCF2708DSCF2707DSCF2625DSCF2636Hello Mum, hello dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This are some fotos of my gorilla Poster. We chosed  a book and write the informations of the poster.


3 Kommentare

1 Comment from elena, mum, dad

13.07.2011 21:13

Dear Fabio,
thanks a lot for the nice fotos. We will save them on the computer. We see that you are working hard - go on!
There is still a lot of rain here. We've just talked to grandma in Germany who sends you her greetings.
Bye Bye till tomorrow!

2 Comment from Papa

14.07.2011 09:11

Good morning, Fabio!
I hope, you are fine. I have to go to the dentist now...
Lots of greetings

3 Comment from Wolf Franziska

14.07.2011 11:18

Hallo Fabio bin die Franziska wie gehts dir bei knackj die nuss? mir gehts sehr gut. wen du das liest schreibe mir bitte was zurück.

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