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the first day (173/318)


Garber Greta Luise

Montag, 9. Juli 2012


Summer Academy 2012

my dear  family,

I'm very fine here, I'm in a fine group, we played games (the same games as last year ) :-) "today we  landed in London Heathrow" and we are  reading a book together and we have to guess and make decisions.



1 Kommentar

1 Comment from Mama

09.07.2012 21:37

Dearest Greta,
I'm verry happy to hear that you are fine and you enjoy your stay at castle Rechenthal. I was already waiting for your message - in the comments of the other students I saw one from Tobias. I guess that this is your cousin ... what a surprise! What about the girls in your room? Are they nice? Do you know somebody of your english group? Have a good time and learn a lot. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. SLEEP WELL!
Lot's of love
Mum & family

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