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The first day ;) (129/318)


Strauß Irene

Montag, 8. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013


Dear mum, dad and Laura!

It is great here!! I'm very happy here because the workshop is cool, the teachers are cool and because I'm in the room with Greta. She is very nice. ;)

Today we made a presentation of all things that we know about South Africa. Then we made a quiz about the big cities like Pretoria and Johannesburg.

What's going on at home??

Hugs and kisses

Irene ;)


2 Kommentare

1 Comment from Strauß

08.07.2013 19:20

Dear Irene, we are glad that you are fine. How we see, you have a lot of work. We are enjoyed with you for the new friends. We'll write or hear us tomorrow. Bye Bye Gottfried, Isolde M. and Laura.

2 Comment from E.J.K.

09.07.2013 11:21

Hello dear Irene,

I read that you're doing very well and that you have found a lot of nice girlfriends. I am also very pleased that you have a lot of fun in learning. Enjoy the leisure program. and your stay in Rechtenthal.

With best regards, Ernst

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