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Skype to South Africa:) (110/318)


Gallia Greta

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Good Morning,

Today we skyped with friends from Yvonne our English Teacher to South Africa. We asked a lot of questions! It was very interesting! Heidi the niece from Yvonne told us many interesting things about South Africa! Before we started skyping Yvonne told us about her childhood and showed us nice pictures! In the afternoon we are making battik T-shirts. In the evening a astronomers are caming and together we look at the stars! Now we have lunch! See you soon!(:

Bye Greta and Delia;DP7090001


1 Kommentar

1 Comment from Simone Tschenett

09.07.2013 18:15

Hi Greta, i see you are happy And it's really great that you have the possibility to skype with someone from South africa . We are all Fine And we are missing you... Wish you And your Friends a Nice evening . Kisses And a Good night

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