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Thank you (89/318)


Zingerle Rebecca

Montag, 15. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Dear Yvonne, dear Caroline,

dear friends!

Too bad that these days passed so quickly. This week was uniquely beautiful, i could make so many new experiences and would like to pass on to my class in Tirol. It was very nice with all of you. Thanks for everything.

Rebecca :) :) :)



2 Kommentare

1 Comment from Domesle Yvonne

15.07.2013 21:57

Dear Rebecca
It was wonderful working with all of you. Would be wonderful if you passed your experiences onto your class.
Thank you for such a special time together.

2 Comment from Rager Caroline

13.08.2013 16:21

Dear Rebecca

Thank YOU!
It is good to know that you had such a great time at Rechtenthal. You and your friends were a great team and I really enjoyed working with all of you. Share your experiences with your class - I am sure they will be very interested.

Enjoy the last days of your holidays!

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