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My 4th day (44/318)


Kurti Aurora

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014


Dera parents

Today we had a skype session with Yvonne's niece in South Africa. They are great. We sang the national anthem and shosholoza for them and they were very happy.  I ate really roman lunch for dessert I ate a fruit salad, that's very good. Yesterday I played rugby, but think it's too tough for me. Here I have a lot of fun and I'm a little bit sad,because this academy is very beautiful and I don't want to go away.<3 <3

Love Aurora




1 Kommentar

1 Comment from Domesle Yvonne

18.07.2014 01:14

Dear Aorora
I am also sad that our Workshop is ending.
You are an amazing young lady. Thank you for being so attentive and always listening.......
I will miss you

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