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Thursdy (42/318)


Egger Eva

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014



Dear parents,

the week is almost finished! What a pity!!! It was wonderful!

Today we had a Roman lunch. It was very good! In the afternoon we skyped with Yvonne's family in South Africa! That was very intresting! We mady a bracelet with beads, like the people in South Africa. They are beautiful!

The Rugby was a little bit tough, so I think, but fun!

For mum: We haven't got moskitos! Please write back soon!                                                                                      Love, Eva


2 Kommentare

1 Comment from Mum

17.07.2014 18:41

Hi my little girlie!
Thanks for the lovely photo you sent!
The activities of your 4th day sound very interesting and funny! I`m looking forward to seeing your craftwork.
I`m glad that you had such a wonderful week! Enjoy the last evening and the very last day! :)
See you tomorrow,
PS1: Good news: our "lazy farmer" cut the grass yesterday - and now he`s having fun with his Kreiselschwader ... :)
PS2: *-* I`m so happy to see you again! *-*

2 Comment from Domesle Yvonne

18.07.2014 01:28

I really like that photo of the two of you...........

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