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Once upon a time (11-20/318)


The second day


Meyer Clarissa Nelly

Martedì, 12 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016


today we got up at 7.30 o´clock. Then at eight o´clock we had breakfast. It was very good. Then the Workshop began. We did  warmup exercises, that was fun. Then we learned a song (Thank you for being a friend). For this song we also made  a choreography. Then we read books about building bridges. The stories are very nice.

Bye Clarissa


2nd Day in the Summer academy


Bajrami Ilirjana

Martedì, 12 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016

Here I'm very happy. The teachers are very good and they can speak English very well. We learned many new words! And I think we are going to improve our English. Today we danced and we sang It was  fun. And we read books. The books were wonderful. We are reading books about building bridges. 


The first day in the Summer Academy 2016!


Steinwandter Irene

Lunedì, 11 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016


Here is very great!

We are very excited.

Irene and Leonie





The first day


Meyer Clarissa Nelly

Lunedì, 11 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016

Hello :)

Today was a great day, after we startet whit our wokshop, we played games for remembering our names. Then Yvonne told us a story from Northamerica. I have found also new friends :-). The food was very good.

Bye Clarissa ;)







Domesle Yvonne

Venerdì, 8 Luglio 2016


Summer Academy 2016

Once upon a time there were two teachers, their names were Elfi and Yvonne. Elfi loved drama and dance and had travelled the world. Yvonne came from a distant land full of strange beliefs and rituals. The two of them invited twelve students from a land with high mountains, apple trees and different cultures to join them in a big house to discover stories from around the world. Elfi and Yvonne were very excited and looking forward to the students they were going to meet on the 11th July 2016......................


One week later...


Rieder Jana

Lunedì, 20 Luglio 2015


Summer Academy 2015


Imagine last Monday we arrived at the Summer Academy and now we're already home again!! I enjoy it to be at home, but I really miss the Summer Academy too!

And you? Do you also miss the Summer Academy? Or are you happy that it is over?

I hope that we'll see us again. It was great with you.

Bye Jana

P.S. Yvonne and Elfi thanks for those great days!!! I'll never forget them.


§rd & 4th day and some photos


Rieder Jana

Giovedì, 16 Luglio 2015


Summer Academy 2015


Yesterday we went climping at Vipiteno. It was both, fun and interesting.

This morning we repeated the scenes and the dance. Now we'll learn something about Matrin Luther King and Malala Yousafzai.

Bye now I have to go to the workshop.


Hereos & Us


Gander Sophie

Giovedì, 16 Luglio 2015


Summer Academy 2015


How are you? I´m fine. I have a lot of friends. And the workshop is very great.

Yesterday morning we learnd at the workshop interresting things about Nelson Mandela.


In the afternoon we went climbing at the "Hochseilgarten". It was very great. We had a lot of fun. I also was at the black parcour.

For dinner we barbequed . It was yummy ;-) After dinner we watched a film (Invictus).

I miss you

with love Sophie





2nd and 3rd day


Rieder Jana

Mercoledì, 15 Luglio 2015


Summer Academy 2015

Yesterday we acted out some scenes about aggression and wrote the dialogue down. After the break we learned something about India and Mohandās Karamchand Gāndhī. Some of us wore Indian clothes. Thank you for this funny and interesting day.

This morning our teacher Yvonne told us about her childhood in South Africa at the time where the coloured people and the white were seperated, and also somthing about Nelson Mandela. His real name was Rolihlahla, but the white teacher gave him the name Nelson.

I'll tell you more later. I must go to the Workshop.


Nelson Mandela


Domesle Yvonne

Martedì, 14 Luglio 2015


Summer Academy 2015

We want to thank all of you for your input and hard work today.Tomorrow we will learn more about Mandela and Apartheid.

"No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite." Nelson Mandela

From Elfi and Yvonne



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