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Once upon a time (111-120/318)


The second day


Strauß Irene

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013


Dear mum, dad, Laura, Marion and Ernst!!

This morning we learned the anthem of South Africa.

Then our teacher Yvonne showed us pictures from her life in South Africa and told us her story.

 After the break we skyped to South Africa!! We spoke with Heidi, Yvonne's niece, and other relatives. It was fun and interesting.  We asked them a lot and they answered all our questions. :D

We are going to colour a T-shirt in the afternoon. ;) I'm very happy here!!!


Irene ♥♥♥


Wow :-) :-) :-)


Zingerle Rebecca

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Hi Mum, Hi Dad!

Today we skyped with Yvonne's family in South Africa!!!!!!

That was interesting and fun :-)!!! We  skyped with the niece of Yvonne and with a lot of other people of Yvonne's family. Tonight two astronomists will come and we will look  at the stars!

Write back soon please!!!!!!





Summer accademy


Griesser Moritz

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Hello mum and dad,

How are you?

The second day of the summer accademy was great!!

We skyped with people in South Africa, with Yvonne's niece. It was very great! We asked some questions.

moritz                               P7090013




The second day in the Summer Accademy


Padoan Mattia

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Dear parents,

the second day at the Summer Accademy was beautiful. We skyped with Yvonne's niece, Heidi and other people from South Africa. It was very interesting and I learned many new things about South Africa. They told us about the life in South Africa, about the schools there, about the farm, where they work and about their family. They answered  our questions and I enjoyd that.

This day war really exiting and fun.


A special lesson


Unterkalmsteiner Andrea

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Dear mom and dad, how are you?

I am happy here and the food in  the castle Rechtental is delicious!

Today we skyped with special persons from South Africa.  We talked to Heidi, she is Yvonne´s niece. And to Celine and Lea, they are other women from South Africa. Celine has a little baby. Its name is Wesley (he is 6 weeks old). He is very sweet!!! It was a special lesson for me!



Hello Mum!


Höller Isabel

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Dear Mum!

Today we had a lot of fun!

We skyped with Yvonne's niece from South Africa!

She was really nice!

Yvonne showed us pictures about her childhood!

They were very interesting!

And we worked a lot, but it was fantastic!

The weather is really good here! it´s sunny and hot!

We play a lot of games!

This afternoon we make batic T-shirts!

I´m so excited!



Another Picture


Islam Noushin

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013



Calling South Africa


Scherer Magdalena

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013

Zuletzt geändert:
Mittwoch, 10. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Dear Family,

today was very great! We called Yvonne's friends and family in South Africa. We asked them a lot of questions about their life and South Africa. We also learned the anthem of South Africa, there are about three diffrent languages in it. In the afternoon we will go to paint our T-Shirts. Everyone in our group is nice and friendly. Yesterday we exchanged our phone numbers .

 Yours Magdalena <3



2nd Day


Islam Noushin

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Hi Mum & Dad,

today is our  2nd Day. We have Skyped with South Africans and with the niece of Yvonne. Yvonne and Caroline are our teachers. We have asked them many questions.  They are very nice. After lunch we make T-shirts for Friday. Footballplayer will come to us. Today night Astronomist will come. Bye! :)

Love Noushin!



South Africa


Picone Alessia

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013


Summer Academy 2013

Hello Mum and Dad,

today we skyped with South Africa. We spoke with Lea, Celine and Heidi. She`s the niece of Yvonne. Magdalena, a girl in my group, asked Lea: Is Nelson Mandela a hero for you? She said yes and she was very sad because he´s in the hospital. Nelson Mandela was the first President in South Africa. It was very interesting.



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