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Once upon a time (31-40/318)




Reifer Manuela

Montag, 13. Juli 2015


Summer Academy 2015

Hereos & Us ...

Today we played games to get to know each other.

young-hearted         Yvonne

energetic                 Elfi


Later we got to know a new song "hereos" (the winner song from the Eurovision Songcontest 2015)

That was great fun :)

See you...



Hereos & US (the first day)


Plant Annika

Montag, 13. Juli 2015


Summer Academy 2015

My name is ambitious Annika :)

I'm very happy, I have very nice teachers. The group is also very nice and toghether we have a lot of fun to study English. Today we learnt our names and  found an adjective that describes us. Then we  played. We sang and did a dance for the song Hereos by Mans Zelmerlöw. The song is nice and is very perfect for this Workshop because is it about Hereos. I'm very happy to be here I'm also happy to learn English and I'm excited about the other days.

From Annika       


The first day


Mayrl Denise

Montag, 13. Juli 2015


Summer Academy 2015

Today we played games to learn the names. We have two nice teachers. Their names are Yvonne and Elfi. We danced also to the song hero. That was a nice day.


Heroes and Us


Kurti Aurora

Montag, 13. Juli 2015


Summer Academy 2015

Hi everybody

Today we played a game to learn the names. My teachers are Yvonne and Elfi . It was very beautiful and I had a lot of fun. We listened to the song " Heroes" and made movements to the words. My first day was very beautiful interesting.

See you soon; from Aurora <3


Heroes & Us


Alber Carmen

Montag, 13. Juli 2015


Summer Academy 2015


Today we played games to learn each others names. My name is crazy Carmen. Our teacher's names are young hearted Yvonne and energetic Elfi. The group is really nice. Then we began to learn the song Heroes. We also learnd movements to the words. This song is the winner of the Eurovisionsongcontest. 


Heroes & Us


Dejakum Vera

Montag, 13. Juli 2015


Summer Academy 2015

Hi guys, 

this afternoon we played games to get to know each other. My name is very happy Vera. Our teachers are young-hearted Yvonne and energetic Elfie. The're really and nice and our group is nice, too.

Afterwards we started to learn the song "Heroes" with movements. Maybe you know the song from the Eurovisionsongcontest.

In a few minutes we have dinner and I'm very hungry. From Vera



Heroes and Us


Domesle Yvonne

Dienstag, 7. Juli 2015


Summer Academy 2015


Elfi and I want to explore the life and culture of some great heroes with you. In this journey we can't wait to discover the hero in you.
We are looking forward to spending an exciting week together.
See you on Monday
Yvonne and Elfi


A letter from Schenna


Prunner Eva

Montag, 21. Juli 2014


Hello everybody:)

I miss you:(

I miss South Africa, storys about Mandila, to sing with you, to laughing with you and to cry with you;)

But hey! Life must go on;)

I have a really nice summer and I hope that you have this to!!!


PS: Sorry for my mistakes!!!



Thank you! :D


Ploner Amelie

Sonntag, 20. Juli 2014


Dear Caroline and Yvonne,

I want to say "thank you" for this wonderful week! It was really funny and I have learned new things about South Africa! I hope to see you again!






Maier Felix

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014


Dear family!

Today we made a mega picture for the presentation.

Yesterday we played Rugby.

Im angry because the Computer is stupid.


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