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Once upon a time (41-50/318)


The 4th Day


Klotz Julia

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014


Hello everybody there :)

Let´s begin with yesterday´s afternoon :
We played rugby with the Black Eagels coaches from the Brixen rugby team. Is was very coooool !! Then we  watched the film INVUCTUS and after that we looked at the stars with a telescope.

Today in the workshop we sang, skyped with friends from Yvonne in South Africa, made things out of clay, made bracelets and we are preparing tomorrow´s presentation ;).

Love <3 Julia ;) :)






Egger Eva

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014



Dear parents,

the week is almost finished! What a pity!!! It was wonderful!

Today we had a Roman lunch. It was very good! In the afternoon we skyped with Yvonne's family in South Africa! That was very intresting! We mady a bracelet with beads, like the people in South Africa. They are beautiful!

The Rugby was a little bit tough, so I think, but fun!

For mum: We haven't got moskitos! Please write back soon!                                                                                      Love, Eva




Messner Hannah

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014


Dear parents,

The rugby Match from Yesterday was wirley cool and funny! My team was the winner!!!:D But on the end I was very tired.


Today we had a Skype sesion with Heidi and other girls from South Afrika. We also made colourful bracelets, drew a picture of South Africa and made clay animals.

Hear its very nice and I love the meal. What a pity that the workshop is finish tomorrow!!!:(

But I´m happy to I see you, Mum and Dad, tomorrow!

Love, Hannah XD


My 4th day


Kurti Aurora

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014


Dera parents

Today we had a skype session with Yvonne's niece in South Africa. They are great. We sang the national anthem and shosholoza for them and they were very happy.  I ate really roman lunch for dessert I ate a fruit salad, that's very good. Yesterday I played rugby, but think it's too tough for me. Here I have a lot of fun and I'm a little bit sad,because this academy is very beautiful and I don't want to go away.<3 <3

Love Aurora






Prunner Eva

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014



We have done a lot of things today! For first we sang a lot of songs. We had a skype session with Yvonne's family in South Africa. That was very funny!!! We talked to Katie, she was Yvonne's nanny and we laughed a lot with her and Heidi, Yvonnes niece. Now we must gow to paint our picture of South Africa.

That is my last letter from the "Sommerakedemie".

THE TIME WAS FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Love Eva          P7170537           




Kaneider Hanna

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014



The rugby training yesterday was fantastic! My team was the winner;)!P7160382

Today we made bracelets! They look nice! Then we made clay animals. We also drew a big picture showing scenes from  South Africa and  now we are preparing our presentation for tomorrow. We are very busy.

We had a skype session with people from South Africa... It was great!

What a pity that tomorrow is the last day here....!

But I´m happy to see you!



Castle Rechtental


Schneider Sophie

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014


Dear family!

Today I sleep the last night in the castle and I really enjoyed it.

We are preparing tomorrow`s presentation and we are very busy.

Today we had a  Roman meal.

In the afternoon  our group was skyping with Yvonne´s family and they are very nice.

Surprise for tomorrow

Good bye

Love Sophie





The fourth day


Fulterer Lisa

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014



Dear mum and dad,

 Thanks that you wrote to me:-)))))

The rugby afternoon was fun, some things I couldn't do because I wore glasses. Our team lost the game, so we weren't so good....;-) But it was fun.

With the glasses is all ok. The attac is holding very good and so I could watch the sky yesterday evening. There were some telescopes, and with them we watched the sky.

We had a skype session with Yvonnes family in South Africa today. It was really interesting!

Today we worked for the presentation tomorrow.. But it is a secret what we did;-)

Love, Lisa



Stress and craft work! xD


Ploner Amelie

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014



Today is the last full day! We have so much to do! We must finish all of the craft work! I am happy to see you tomorror!:D;D;D

The rugby-game was such fun! We won!!!XDXDXDThe coaches were very nice! I think rugby is a cool sport!:) P7160354

We made wonderful jewellery!P7170520

And we skyped to friends from Yvonne in South Africa! They were really nice!P1010865






Resch Florian

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014


Dear Mom, Dad and Michi

Tomorrow is the last day! We have so much to do! The rugby game was so cool! I really like this sport !


Today we had a Skype sesion to South Africa. It was very interesting!

I am very happy to see you tomarrow !!! :)


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