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Legend Has It

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Legend Has It (11-16/16)

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Robin Hood


P. Julia

Martedì, 10 Luglio 2018


Legend Has It

Dear MUM, DAD and LISA

On Monday I came too late, so I didn´t play the first game . When I arrived  we played a game to get to know the names of each other, but I stil don´t know the names. After that we talked about King Arthur and we took photos of scenes from the story (which we had read). In the evening all the kids went to the football pitch  and we played many different games. Today we are working on Robin Hood, that is fun. We shot with a bow and arrow and we coloured a T-shirt  green, brown or yellow.

See you on Friday at the performance. 



First day


S. Sophie

Martedì, 10 Luglio 2018


Legend Has It

On Monday we played games to get to know each other and then we talked about the legend of King Arthur and we learned to fight with swords. In the evening all the kids went to the big football pitch and we played games. That was cool. The food is very good.

I like the workshowp. In the workshop we learn many things and we speak English.



DSC (2)


The first day in Salern!


K. Eva

Martedì, 10 Luglio 2018


Legend Has It

Dear Mom, Dad and dear Armin!

Yesterday we had a very good time! We practised a sword fight for a scene on Friday. That was really cool!! Then we read the story of King Arthur and the sword in the stone. We acted the story of  Arthur in 7 scenes. Later we went outside and played the 7 scenes. In the mean time Elfi and Jonathan, the assistant, took photos. Then we started to make a photostory about Arthur.

In the evening we played some games to get to know each other. We did a treasure hunt with guessings. Our group of 8 people reached the fourth position. It was a great day!

Today we practise the play of Robin Hood.

See you on Friday!



My first day in Salern!


R. Verena

Martedì, 10 Luglio 2018


Legend Has It

On Monday it was great in the Workshop Legend has it. We made a sword cheographie and worked out the legend of king Arthur and then played the most important scenes in real with costums, made up and wooden swords. We put them all togheter in a photo story that you will see at the final day. After the time in the workshop, we played with all the other people from the other workshops some funny games and made big treasure hunt with many difficult quizzes.

Verena :)English (11) (Small)


First day


Domesle Yvonne

Lunedì, 9 Luglio 2018


Legend Has It

English (12) (Small)English (2) (Small)English (5) (Small)We had a very successful day, worked hard and learned more about the legend of King Arthur. We practised a sword fight for a scene. Then we read the story, talked about it and put it into seven images. We took photographs of them outside. You'll have to be patient because we are still finishing off our photo story. Make sure you look into the blog tomorrow. Surprise, surprise!!

Elfi and Yvonne


Legends Never Die


Domesle Yvonne

Sabato, 30 Giugno 2018


Legend Has It

A sword in a stone, Robin Hood in the Salern forest, a haunted castle, Bloody Mary.......... Elfi and I can't wait to discover these legends with you. Legends never die, they become a part of you!

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