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Welcome to Song Parade (1-10/11)


Gleich ist fertig


B. Lea

Giovedì, 4 Luglio 2019

Zuletzt geändert:
Venerdì, 5 Luglio 2019


Wir hatten sehr viel Spaß, aber jetzt ist es gleich fertig. Ich freue mich schon wieder auf meine Familie und meine Freunde, aber ich finde es schade, dass ich und meine Freundinnen uns bald nicht mehr sehen. Now in English: Today Yvonne told us a scary story.

Olympiade (Day 3)




Liebe Familie


S. Laura

Mercoledì, 3 Luglio 2019



          Liebe Familie!!!

Ich hoffe euch geht es gut!!!!!!!IMG_2049 (Small)IMG_2213 (Small) 




B. Lea

Mercoledì, 3 Luglio 2019


Mir gefällt es hier sehr gut.

Wir haben heute Abend gegrillt und haben auch eine Olympiade veranstaltet; es war sehr toll.

Ich habe viele Freunde kennengelernt.

Wir lernen tolle Lieder und tanzen dazu.



Hello from Salern!


B. Sophia

Martedì, 2 Luglio 2019


Dear Parents,

we are having fun and my new friends are very nice.

I like this workshop.

We are a girls' group.

The workshop is interesting.

We have learnt new words:

mole, moth,...

We learnt new songs, danced,

wrote a sketch, acted out scenes...

Lots of love

IMG_4991 (Small)


Song Parade


B. Lea

Martedì, 2 Luglio 2019



it is cool and I'm fine.

I have made a lot of friends.

I like this workshop.

We are learning a lot.

We are girls only.

We are singing songs.

The workshop is interesting

We are having fun.

Best wishes

IMG_4993 (Small)IMG_1954 (Small)IMG_1914 (Small)




P. Sara

Martedì, 2 Luglio 2019


Dear Mummy and Daddy

Hello from Salern:

I'm happy and fine.

I love this workshop.

We are having fun.

I have new friends. They are very nice.

We are a girls' group.

I have made a lot of friends.

The workshop is interesting.

We learnt new songs and danced.

We wrote a sketch and acted out scenes... .

IMG_1919 (Small)

This was on day one.IMG_4991 (Small)

This was on day two.



I'm having a lot of fun.

Lots of Love

From Sara


Song Parade


P. Mia

Martedì, 2 Luglio 2019


Hello Mum,hello Dad,

I'm fine.

The workshop is very nice.

We have learnt new words,

songs end dances.

I have made new friends.

Lots of love Mia!


IMG_4999 (Small)


Dear Parents!!!


S. Laura

Martedì, 2 Luglio 2019


Dear Parents,

I´m happy and I like

this workshop. I have found many new friends.

We are girls only.

                                 Lots of loveIMG_4996 (Small)




Dear Porents!!!


N. Miriam

Martedì, 2 Luglio 2019


Hello, I`m happy and fine. I like this workshop and we are having FUN!!! I have found new friends! My friends and I have learnt new songs, acted out scenes and we have wrote a sketch. In this workshop we are girls only!

           IMG_4998 (Small)    Let`s of Love Miriam!


Best wishes from Vahrn


P. Esther

Martedì, 2 Luglio 2019


Dear Parents

I'm happy in the workshop. My new friends are nice and we are a girls' group.

Best wishes

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