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Hello from Knack die Nuss! (32/43)


P Lisa

Dienstag, 2. Juli 2019


Song Parade

Dear Parents,

I'm very happy. I like this workshop. I have found a lot of new friends. This is a girls' group. I'm very well. It is so cool here, but I miss you. :(

We've done many cool exercises. I want you to know how much I miss you. It's very hot outside. We can see beautiful mountains from the window.

We learnt new songs, danced, wrote a sketch and acted out scenes. We have learnt new words such as: recorder, mole, lizard, moth and ant.

Best wishes


Day 1

IMG_1914 (Small)IMG_1959 (Small)

IMG_1960 (Small)

Day 2


IMG_4991 (Small)


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