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South Africa

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Skype session


s. vera

Giovedì, 11 Luglio 2019



IMG_5240Wednesday we had a skype session with Heidi and Lea in South Africa. It was very interesting beacause they told us about their lives in South Africa.


Malva Pudding


G. Helena

Mercoledì, 10 Luglio 2019



Yesterday we made MALVA PUDDING!!!

It is a typical South African cake and it tasted sooooooooooo good.


If you want to bake Malva you need these ingredients:

200g sugar

2 large eggs

1 tablespoon apricot jam

 150g flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

A pinch of salt

1 tablespoon butter

1 teaspoon vinegar

100ml milk


You also need these ingredients for the sauce that your’re pouring afterwards on your Malva pudding:

You need 200ml fresh cream

100g butter

90-150 g sugar

100ml boiling hot water

At first we preheated the oven to 180° Celsius, then we greased our oven dish for the Malva pudding. Next we put the eggs in a bowl and then we beat the eggs and the sugar until they were thick and lemon coloured. After that we added the jam and mixed it. Now we melted the butter and we added the butter and the vineger to our mixture. Then we mixed flour, baking soda and salt in a different bowl together, added it with the milk to the egg mixture and beat it well. Next we put it into an oven proof dish and baked our malva pudding for 40 min until it was brown and well-risen.

Now we began to prepare the sauce. For the sauce we mixed the ingredients in a pot together and stirred it well.

As soon as the Malva pudding was finished we poured the sauce over it until the cake soaked it up. Then we served it with vanilla ice cream.

By Helena, Madlen, Dora & Constantin


Bobotie II


K. Eva

Mercoledì, 10 Luglio 2019




IMG_5199 (Small)IMG_5198 (Small)
Sorry.... We forgot the pictures...


Chakalaka and Pap


s. vera

Mercoledì, 10 Luglio 2019



   Ingredients: chakalaka

•1 onion
•2 carrots
•3 tomatoes
•15 ml curry powder
• ¼ cabbage
•Salt and black pepper
•410g red beans
How to make chakalaka
•1. First we chopped all the vegetables
•2. We threw the vegetables and the curry into the saucepan
•3. Then we added cabbage and we stirred the beans
•4. Then we cooked it for 50 min.
 Ingredients: pap
•500ml water
•480g maize meal
How to make pap
•1.We boiled the water in a saucepan
•2. Then we added the maize meal
•3. We stirred until it combined
•4. Then we cooked it for 45.min (stitrred every now and then)
Alexander, Vera, Claudia, Omar und Martina



K. Eva

Mercoledì, 10 Luglio 2019



First we preheated the oven to 180°C. Then we soaked one piece of bread in 250ml milk. We fried one  chopped onion with salt and spices in a little bit of oil. Then we added the 500g of mince and fried both. We squeezed the bread and added it with two tablespoons chutney, one tbsp apricot jam and a bit of lemon juice. After 15 minutes of simmering we put it all together in the oven. Then we should have mixed the milk with two eggs, but we did it wrong. We put the milk and eggs over the mince and baked it for 35 minutes in the oven. Later we cooked the rice and served it all with chutney.   

Yummy! Bobotie tastes very good!


Molo Howzit Hoe gaan dit


W. Dora

Martedì, 9 Luglio 2019




yesterday Yvonne and Elfi taught us the South African greetings, then Yvonne told us something about her life in Soth Africa. Yvonne was born there but Elfi also made many expereances there for a week. We saw many pictures of Yvonne's childhood, that was really cool and interesting. More later


second day


G. Martina

Martedì, 9 Luglio 2019




In South Africa there are eleven official languages. This workshop is very interesting and cool!

Today we learned the sokkie dance.




s. vera

Martedì, 9 Luglio 2019



Yesterday, the first day was a great day!

We found new friends. At the workshop we talked a little bit about South Africa.

At half past six we ate some food, it tastes very nice. After that we played a game, we had a treasure hunt. At ten PM we had to sleep. We were all very tired.

Today we´ve learned a dance, the name is sokkie. We have a lot of fun at the workshop. We also ate some biltong.




first days


S. Chiara

Martedì, 9 Luglio 2019



Molo, mum ang dad! Hoe gaan dit? That means: Hello, mum and dad! How are you? I´m fine. Everything here is perfect: my room, the other kids, my room mate and also the food. Yesterday our teachers told us from her South Africa journey. It was very cool. Today the teachers have taught us Sokkie, Sokkie is a traditional dance. Sokkie comes from socks, we dance on socks. And we have tasted biltong (dried meat) and other beef.IMG_2660 (Small)The girl next to me is my room mate. 

Dumela, Chiara!


South Africa - Workshop


T. Madlen

Martedì, 9 Luglio 2019



The first day our teachers told us about there stay in South Africa. We spoke about there langueges , how they live , how they go to school and  the differences of the skin colour. On the second day we imitated some scenes from South Africa(  a ship,a fort ...).We also tasted biltong ( a meat ) and droe wors. Elfi taught us a traditional dance from South Africa ( Sokkie ) and it was really fun. We learnd  a lot of South Africa and it was  great.

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