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Second day in Salern! (11/19)

an den anfang zurueck weiter ans ende eine ebene nach oben

K. Eva

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2019



Hello Mum, Dad and Armin!
We had a really great afternoon yesterday. We heard about our teachers' experiences in South Africa and learned typical greetings. Did you know, that there are 11 official languages? I didn't!
I met some old friends and other kind and nice people. Today we danced and had a lot of fun destroying the Dutch fort, which was built by the other half of our "Classmates". We tasted biltong, a kind of meat, which is similar at our "Speck".
I'm sure, we'll have lots of fun here this week. The only thing, that I don't like, is, that we are here only for a week and not two or more...
Read more tomorrow or today afternoon!

Your Eva



2 Kommentare

1 Kommentar von Karin Gasser

09.07.2019 12:12

Hallo Eva,

wir müssen nicht englisch zurückschreiben, gel ;-) Schön, dass es dir wieder gefällt. Wo kriegt man das Biltong her? Das würde ich auch gerne einmal probieren.

Viele liebe Grüße und wir freuen uns auf weitere Nachricht von dir.

2 Kommentar von K. Eva

10.07.2019 10:24

I'm sorry, I don't know where they bought the biltong but... Why don't you try to write english??

Your Eva

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