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Malva Pudding (2/19)

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G. Helena

Mercoledì, 10 Luglio 2019



Yesterday we made MALVA PUDDING!!!

It is a typical South African cake and it tasted sooooooooooo good.


If you want to bake Malva you need these ingredients:

200g sugar

2 large eggs

1 tablespoon apricot jam

 150g flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

A pinch of salt

1 tablespoon butter

1 teaspoon vinegar

100ml milk


You also need these ingredients for the sauce that your’re pouring afterwards on your Malva pudding:

You need 200ml fresh cream

100g butter

90-150 g sugar

100ml boiling hot water

At first we preheated the oven to 180° Celsius, then we greased our oven dish for the Malva pudding. Next we put the eggs in a bowl and then we beat the eggs and the sugar until they were thick and lemon coloured. After that we added the jam and mixed it. Now we melted the butter and we added the butter and the vineger to our mixture. Then we mixed flour, baking soda and salt in a different bowl together, added it with the milk to the egg mixture and beat it well. Next we put it into an oven proof dish and baked our malva pudding for 40 min until it was brown and well-risen.

Now we began to prepare the sauce. For the sauce we mixed the ingredients in a pot together and stirred it well.

As soon as the Malva pudding was finished we poured the sauce over it until the cake soaked it up. Then we served it with vanilla ice cream.

By Helena, Madlen, Dora & Constantin


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